Presidente da Universidade de Washington sobre IA, startups e inovação.

Ana Mari Cauce and Ada Healey on stage at the Seattle Metro Chamber annual meeting.

# **Artificial Intelligence and Startups: Transforming Education and Healthcare**

![UW President Ana Mari Cauce, right, speaks at the Seattle Metro Chamber annual meeting Thursday with the organization’s immediate past Board Chair Ada Healey of Vulcan, LLC. (GeekWire Photo / John Cook)](

Seattle, WA – At the recent Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce annual meeting, University of Washington (UW) President, Ana Mari Cauce, touched upon two crucial topics: artificial intelligence (AI) and startups. Cauce, who will be stepping down from her role in June 2025, highlighted the significance of striking a balance between tradition and innovation in the 162-year-old institution.

Cauce emphasized the importance of serving the community while acknowledging that the nature of this service will inevitably evolve in a rapidly changing world. She specifically mentioned the emergence of student entrepreneurs as a prime example of this evolution. “We have students now who come in with a clear ambition to start their own companies from day one. This was unheard of in the past,” she stated, underlining the university’s focus on fostering an entrepreneurial spirit among its students.

The integration of AI into education was also discussed during the keynote conversation. Cauce stressed the need to equip students with the necessary skills to navigate the use of AI in their academic pursuits. “While it is important for our students to learn traditional writing, it is equally important for them to learn how to effectively utilize AI technology in their writing. We cannot shy away from these advancements; instead, we need to embrace them,” she remarked.

Furthermore, Cauce highlighted the growing role of technology in the medical field. She cited the use of simulations in medical training and the increasing significance of robotic technology in surgical procedures. However, she emphasized that amidst these technological advancements, the fundamental aspect of patient care and empathy remains timeless. “Caring for the patient and truly listening to their needs will always be the core of healthcare,” Cauce asserted, emphasizing the importance of blending tradition with innovation in the medical field.

Looking ahead to her own future, Cauce expressed her intention to continue residing in the Seattle region, her home for nearly four decades. “This is where I belong; I’m here to stay,” she affirmed, emphasizing her commitment to the city and its community.

In conclusion, the University of Washington, under the leadership of Ana Mari Cauce, recognizes the imperative of embracing innovation while upholding longstanding traditions. By encouraging student entrepreneurship, integrating AI into education, and embracing technological advancements in healthcare, UW aims to prepare its students for the challenges and opportunities of the future. As Cauce transitions from her role, she remains dedicated to the Seattle community that she has considered home for so many years.

*GeekWire’s John Cook contributed to this story.*

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