Revisão do Robô Aspirador e Esfregão Shark PowerDetect 2-em-1 (2024)

Shark PowerDetect 2-in-1 Robot Vacuum and Mop Review (2024)

# Shark’s Latest Robot Vacuum: Solving Common Problems

![robot vacuum](

Shark, known for its innovative vacuum cleaners, has recently introduced its latest robot vacuum. With this new device, Shark aims to tackle two major issues that commonly plague robot vacuums. The first problem is that when vacuuming with a mop pad, it tends to drag on the carpet, making it less effective. To solve this, Shark’s new robot vacuum comes equipped with a mop plate that automatically detaches when vacuuming.

The second problem is that robot vacuums often get stuck on small ledges or rugs in your home. In response to this, Shark has developed what can be best described as a “booty hitch.” This feature allows the vacuum to propel itself over obstacles in its path. These improvements are not only impressive but also effective. My husband even jokingly asked, “Is that robot vacuum humping the floor?” as it made its way from the kitchen to the living room. However, despite these cool features, the Shark robot vacuum falls short in some basic robot vacuum tasks. If you’re considering purchasing this vacuum, I would recommend waiting for the price to drop and for the company to address these issues.

## Simple Setup and Convenient Design

Setting up the Shark robot vacuum is a breeze. It boasts a sleek design and comes with a docking station that includes a clean water tank, a dirty water tank, a dustbin with a remarkable 0.33-liter capacity, and a refillable odor-neutralizer capsule that prevents any unpleasant smells. The vacuum itself is compact, measuring less than 18 inches in height and less than 15 inches in width. Adding the vacuum to the Shark app is simple, and Shark even provides a list of cute and punny names to choose from. I personally went with “Steve McClean.”

![robot vacuum and docking station](

## Efficient Cleaning with Quirks

The preclean mapping process is quick and easy, and the vacuum navigates smoothly without getting tripped up. While the map generated isn’t entirely accurate, it does provide a general orientation of the rooms. Despite the map’s inaccuracies, the robot vacuum effectively cleans the floors.

When it comes to cleaning, you have the option to choose between vacuuming or mopping, but not both simultaneously. If you choose to vacuum, you can select either a regular clean or a deep clean. The selection process can be slightly confusing as you need to tap the Clean Button before choosing the mode. This confusion stems from my past experiences with other robot vacuums, where selecting the wrong cleaning mode became problematic. Additionally, you can choose to clean by room or activate the spot cleaning feature.

A full vacuum run for an area of 750 square feet takes approximately 90 minutes and consumes about 60 percent of the battery. This means that you can follow up with mopping, if desired. The detachable mop pad eliminates the need to plan ahead, as with other models where mopping can only be done after vacuuming. However, the vacuum’s map doesn’t allow you to track its live progress accurately, which would make it easier to determine if you’ve covered every inch of the floor.

## DirtDetect Falls Short

The Shark vacuum features an innovative DirtDetect feature, first introduced in iRobot’s Roomba line. It utilizes sensors on the vacuum’s underside to detect areas of high dirt concentration and focuses on cleaning those spots. While this feature works remarkably well with iRobot vacuums, the Shark robot vacuum falls short in comparison.

![disc-shaped robot vacuum](

In conclusion, Shark’s latest robot vacuum offers some unique features that address common issues faced by users. However, it still has a few kinks that need ironing out. Its simple setup, compact design, and detachable mop pad make it an attractive option for those looking for a convenient cleaning solution. Nevertheless, the Shark vacuum’s DirtDetect feature falls short of expectations. If you’re considering purchasing this vacuum, it would be wise to wait until the price drops and these minor flaws are resolved.

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