Resposta Phrazle Hoje (14 e 15 abril 2024) – História da Solução!

Featured Phrazle Answers

Phrazle is another take on the popular word game Wordle. The premise is very similar to most games of this nature, but you are looking to figure out well-known phrases based on letter placements! If you are wondering what the solution is for today’s Phrazle game, then we’ll be providing it for you in this guide.

Each day Phrazle will challenge you with a new puzzle. You get your chance at trying it by visiting the official Phrazle website after midnight.

To prevent spoilers due to time zones we have hidden the solutions from view. Just tap on the button below to reveal the answer! Be sure to Bookmark this page, so you always have access to the next solution!

April 15th 2024 Answers

Morning Answer

The Answer is… out of the woods!

Afternoon Answer

The Answer is… Finger Pointing!

For more guides, be sure to head to our Wordle Answers, 7 Little Word Answers, and Contexto Answers pages that will help you solve your daily puzzles!

April 14th 2024 Answers

Morning Answer

The Answer is… go to bat for!

Afternoon Answer

The Answer is… a Banner Year!

Phrazle Answer History List

Phrazle has two answers each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The solutions below feature both, with the first one being morning and the second being the afternoon.

  • April 13th, 2024 – Salt of the Earth / In a Jam
  • April 12th, 2024 – All Things Being Equal / out to lunch
  • April 11th, 2024 – put a sock in it / off the cuff
  • April 10th, 2024 – egging me on / Passing the Buck
  • April 9th, 2024 – letting my hair down / Dumpster Fire
  • April 8th, 2024 – pull up your socks / Across The Board
  • April 7th, 2024 – Rule of Thumb / Mums the Word
  • April 6th, 2024 – Get Out Of Jail Free Card / Going Cold Turkey
  • April 5th, 2024 – A green thumb / in the dog house
  • April 4th, 2024 – Cash Strapped / Mind your Ps and Qs
  • April 3rd, 2024 – Ace in the Hole / Making Ends Meet
  • April 2nd, 2024 – roll out the red carpet / put your thinking cap on
  • April 1st, 2024 – a gray area / Birds of A Feather
  • March 31st, 2024 – Yes Man / Round Robin
  • March 30th, 2024 – Sneak Peek / an old hand
  • March 29th, 2024 – Good Grief / spice things up
  • March 28th, 2024 – rain on my parade / take it with a grain of salt
  • March 27th, 2024 – I Was Robbed / all your eggs in one basket
  • March 26th, 2024 – Flat Broke / spill the beans
  • March 25th, 2024 – Get Out Of Dodge / Curry Favor
  • March 24th, 2024 – In Hot Water / the birds and the bees
  • March 23rd, 2024 – Tie the Knot / a Race Against Time
  • March 22nd, 2024 – Faint of Heart / A Stitch In Time Saves Nine
  • March 21st, 2024 – Giddy Up / A Pound of Flesh
  • March 20th, 2024 – with a fine toothed comb / Piqued My Interest
  • March 19th, 2024 – Extenuating Circumstances / as a rule of thumb
  • March 18th, 2024 – Up the Ante / face the music
  • March 17th, 2024 – A Day Late and a Dollar Short / Sticky Wicket
  • March 16th, 2024 – Going South / In Memory Of
  • March 15th, 2024 – dropping like flies / a head start
  • March 14th, 2024 – Better Late Than Never / All In A Days Work
  • March 13th, 2024 – clam up / bringing home the bacon
  • March 12th, 2024 – Out the Door / hand me down
  • March 11th, 2024 – Thumbs Up / Three Sheets to the Wind
  • March 10th, 2024 – Bogged Down / my neck of the woods
  • March 9th, 2024 – put yourself in my shoes / im in over my head
  • March 8th, 2024 – To A Tee / Rest Assured
  • March 7th, 2024 – know which way the wind blows / Rock The Boat
  • March 6th, 2024 – Trial Balloon / dressed to kill
  • March 5th, 2024 – Take Five / make a mountain of a molehill
  • March 4th, 2024 – Soup To Nuts / once in a blue moon
  • March 3rd, 2024 – Heavens to Betsy / A Penny for Your Thoughts
  • March 2nd, 2024 – fly by the seat of your pants / Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
  • March 1st, 2024 – On the Same Page / a Poison Pill
  • February 29th, 2024 – Rake me Over the Coals / From Rags To Riches
  • February 28th, 2024 – All Over The Board / use your noodle
  • February 27th, 2024 – Pick Up the Tab / In For a Penny In for a Pound
  • February 26th, 2024 – hold your horses / the lions share
  • February 25th, 2024 – On Point / to know by heart
  • February 24th, 2024 – Doing it By the Book / in Fits And Starts
  • February 23rd, 2024 – Maiden Voyage / Rose Colored Glasses
  • February 22nd, 2024 – a bad egg / Food for Thought
  • February 21st, 2024 – Glass Ceiling / An Offer you Cant Refuse
  • February 20th, 2024 – give it your best shot / break a leg
  • February 19th, 2024 – Reap What You Sow / Pie In The Sky
  • February 18th, 2024 – Off Kilter / If The Shoe Fits
  • February 17th, 2024 – Cold Hearted / Lost In Translation
  • February 16th, 2024 – Tit for Tat / Nuts And Bolts
  • February 15th, 2024 – until the cows come home / Case In Point
  • February 14th, 2024 – Drop in the Bucket / Familiarity Breeds Contempt
  • February 13th, 2024 – the Dogs of War / Beware the Ides of March
  • February 12th, 2024 – Caught me Red Handed / Bag of Tricks
  • February 11th, 2024 – Fool Me Once / Fortune Favors The Bold
  • February 10th, 2024 – Against The Grain / My Birthday Suit
  • February 9th, 2024 – Down The Rabbit Hole / Dollars to Donuts
  • February 8th, 2024 – The Bees Knees / Cut and Dry
  • February 7th, 2024 – Following Suit / Foregone Conclusion
  • February 6th, 2024 – A Conniption Fit / take the bull by the horns
  • February 5th, 2024 – Double Down / a Catch twenty two
  • February 4th, 2024 – Baptism by Fire / Hand in Hand
  • February 3rd, 2024 – Deal with It / monkey see monkey do
  • February 2nd, 2024 – I smell a rat / the Butt Of The Joke
  • February 1st, 2024 – Babe In The Woods / Happy As A Clam
  • January 31st, 2024 – When Hell Freezes Over / Even Steven
  • January 30th, 2024 – The Coast Is Clear / Cheap Shot
  • January 29th, 2024 – That Touch My Heart / Laughter is the Best Medicine
  • January 28th, 2024 – Fight Like Cat and Dog / Lower the Boom
  • January 27th, 2024 – Add Fuel To The Fire / That Ship Has Sailed
  • January 26th, 2024 – Keep It Under Your Hat / Take Me to the Cleaners
  • January 25th, 2024 – At Loggerheads / Cooking Up a Storm
  • January 24th, 2024 – A Notch Above / Having A Ball
  • January 23rd, 2024 – Heavens Open / Rub it in My Face
  • January 22nd, 2024 – A Hundred And Ten Percent / Nose to the Grindstone
  • January 21st, 2024 – Beat Around the Bush / Hot on the Heels of
  • January 20th, 2024 – Gets My Goat / Coming Down the Pike
  • January 19th, 2024 – Shooting Your Mouth Off / Square the Circle
  • January 18th, 2024 – I Smell a Rat / Simmer Down
  • January 17th, 2024 – Cold Day in Hell / Come Clean
  • January 16th, 2024 – Fat Cat / Crunch the Numbers
  • January 15th, 2024 – The Cat Is Out of the Bag / From the Bottom of My Heart
  • January 14th, 2024 – No Rhyme or Reason / Like Father Like Son
  • January 13th, 2024 – A Scaredy Cat / Take the Cake
  • January 12th, 2024 – A Tear Jerker / Boys will be Boys
  • January 11th, 2024 – Spitting into The Wind / Under the Table
  • January 10th, 2024 – Turnabout Is Fair Play / Living Under a Rock
  • January 9th, 2024 – Whistle Past the Graveyard / Change Horses in Midstream
  • January 8th, 2024 – Come Rain or Shine / Move the Needle
  • January 7th, 2024 – Play the Percentages / Throw Down the Gauntlet
  • January 6th, 2024 – In a Jam / Cat and Mouse
  • January 5th, 2024 – Blood and Thunder / Put a Thumb on the Scale
  • January 4th, 2024 – Swan Song / Sure Fire
  • January 3rd, 2024 – Eager beaver / Bull in a China Shop
  • January 2nd, 2024 – Drag Your Feet / Eighty Six It
  • January 1st, 2024 – Music to My Ears / Swim Against the tide
  • December 31st, 2023 – Break a Leg / Best of Both Worlds
  • December 30th, 2023 – Turn the Corner / New Wrinkle
  • December 29th, 2023 – Nice Chunk of Change / Get Bent Out of Shape
  • December 28th, 2023 – Cook My Goose / Claim to Fame
  • December 27th, 2023 – Find Your Feet / A Bit Much
  • December 26th, 2023 – Hit the Ground Running / Call It a Day
  • December 25th, 2023 – Make Waves / Turn Someone Inside Out
  • December 24th, 2023 – Fish Out of Water / The Cherry On top
  • December 23rd, 2023 – Down in the Dumps / Break Out in A Cold Sweat
  • December 22nd, 2023 – Egg on Your Face / Any Port in a Storm
  • December 21st, 2023 – Letter of the Law / Flash in the Pan
  • December 20th, 2023 – Father Figure / Paddle My Own Canoe
  • December 19th, 2023 – In a Fog / Drag My Heels
  • December 18th, 2023 – Pull Out All the Stops / Pull the Plug On
  • December 17th, 2023 – Tip My Hand / Bury Your Head In the Sand
  • December 16th, 2023 – Throw a Wrench Into / For Crying Out Loud
  • December 15th, 2023 – All And Sundry / Give Them an Earful
  • December 14th, 2023 – Call It a Night / In the Blink of an Eye
  • December 13th, 2023 – Shooting Fish in a Barrel / Raise Red Flags
  • December 12th, 2023 – Strike A Chord / Right Under My Nose
  • December 11th, 2023 – All Mouth And No Trousers / Not Ready for Prime Time
  • December 10th, 2023 – A Charley Horse / Puppy Love
  • December 9th, 2023 – Hit the Jackpot / For a Song
  • December 8th, 2023 – See Eye to Eye / Small Potatoes
  • December 7th, 2023 – Aha Moment / Wash Your Hands of it
  • December 6th, 2023 – Behind the Eight Ball / From Soup to Nuts
  • December 5th, 2023 – Arm Candy / Roll With the Punches
  • December 4th, 2023 – Put Words In My Mouth / Second Stringer
  • December 3rd, 2023 – A Weight Off Your Shoulders / Lock Horns
  • December 2nd, 2023 – Bail Out / Stick Your Nose into Something
  • December 1st, 2023 – A Lot on My Plate / Chin Music
  • November 30th, 2023 – Early Bird / Fly Off The Handle
  • November 29th, 2023 – Raise the Roof / A Dirty Look
  • November 28th, 2023 – Blue Light Special / Watering Hole
  • November 27th, 2023 – Jump the Gun / Put Down Roots
  • November 26th, 2023 – Zig When You Should Zag / Cool Cat
  • November 25th, 2023 – Down the Road / My Way or the Highway
  • November 24th, 2023 – All Hat And No Cattle / A Dog in the Fight
  • November 23rd, 2023 – Wet Your Whistle / In My Element
  • November 22nd, 2023 – Join the Club / As Pale as A Ghost
  • November 21st, 2023 – Top Banana / All Ears
  • November 20th, 2023 – Break the Bank / In For a Penny In for a Pound
  • November 19th, 2023 – Tighten the Screws / Cry Wolf
  • November 18th, 2023 – Tempest in a Teapot / Hit the Nail on the Head
  • November 17th, 2023 – Draw a Line in the Sand / When the Chips Are Down
  • November 16th, 2023 – A Hail Mary / With Bells On
  • November 15th, 2023 – Catch Some Rays / Hit The Big time
  • November 14th, 2023 – Cut Your Teeth / Roll the Dice On
  • November 13th, 2023 – In the Nick of Time / The Cutting Edge
  • November 12th, 2023 – My Dogs Are Barking / Fit as A Fiddle
  • November 11th, 2023 – Kith and Kin / Sour Grapes
  • November 10th, 2023 – Learn the Ropes / Pedal to the Metal
  • November 9th, 2023 – All Sizzle And No Steak / Pass the Buck
  • November 8th, 2023 – Add Insult To Injury / All The Rage
  • November 7th, 2023 – Fashion Forward / One For the Road
  • November 6th, 2023 – Taste of Your Own Medicine / Loan Shark
  • November 5th, 2023 – A Changing of the Guard / When in Rome
  • November 4th, 2023 – Chickens Coming Home To Roost / Grease Monkey
  • November 3rd, 2023 – Feather in My Cap / Feast Your Eyes On
  • November 2nd, 2023 – Life is A Bowl of Cherries / Bare My Soul
  • November 1st, 2023 – Up to Snuff / Beauty Is Only Skin Deep
  • October 31st, 2023 – Tell it like it is / In the Same Boat
  • October 30th, 2023 – Third Rail / Let Off Steam
  • October 29th, 2023 – Six Feet Under / Chill Out
  • October 28th, 2023 – At the Eleventh Hour / Give Them the Cold Shoulder
  • October 27th, 2023 – As Poor as a Church Mouse / A Dark Horse
  • October 26th, 2023 – Jam Session / A Smoking Gun
  • October 25th, 2023 – Too Many To Shake A Stick At / Hot Potato
  • October 24th, 2023 – Wake Up and Smell the Coffee / In the Long Run
  • October 23rd, 2023 – Look What the Cat Dragged In / Shift Gears
  • October 22nd, 2023 – Zip Your Lip / Holding All the Aces
  • October 21st, 2023 – Peaches and Cream / Like a Moth to a Flame
  • October 20th, 2023 – Fed Up With / Heads Up
  • October 19th, 2023 – Fire in the Belly / Spick and Span
  • October 18th, 2023 – Stab Me in the Back / In a Heartbeat
  • October 17th, 2023 – Dead Heat / Baby Blues
  • October 16th, 2023 – Bump in the Road / Castle in the Air
  • October 15th, 2023 – Stand On Your Own Two Feet / Leave Me in the Lurch
  • October 14th, 2023 – Change Your Tune / Up to Scratch
  • October 13th, 2023 – Pure as the Driven Snow / In Seventh Heaven
  • October 12th, 2023 – Get Carried Away / The Jig Is Up
  • October 11th, 2023 – Acknowledge The Corn / Pay Lip Service
  • October 10th, 2023 – Flew the Coop / A Guilty Pleasure
  • October 9th, 2023 – Rock Bottom / In a Nutshell
  • October 8th, 2023 – Every Dog Has His Day / Above The Law
  • October 7th, 2023 – Taking Candy from a Baby / Hold the Phone
  • October 6th, 2023 – Elephant in the Room / Your Guess Is as Good as Mine
  • October 5th, 2023 – Jump in with Both Feet / Man Cave
  • October 4th, 2023 – Kick the Bucket / Wild Goose Chase
  • October 3rd, 2023 – Thirty Thousand Foot View / What Goes Around Comes Around
  • October 2nd, 2023 – By a Whisker / Wet Blanket
  • October 1st, 2023 – Tight Lipped / Batten Down the Hatches
  • September 30th, 2023 – Around the Clock / Hit the Roof
  • September 29th, 2023 – Piping Hot / Hit the Books
  • September 28th, 2023 – Bring a Knife to a Gunfight / Burning Bridges
  • September 27th, 2023 – A Game of Chicken / All Bets Are Off
  • September 26th, 2023 – School Of Hard Knocks / Shoot Myself In The Foot
  • September 25th, 2023 – Make My Day / Straight Arrow
  • September 24th, 2023 – Champ at the Bit / All Talk and No Trousers
  • September 23rd, 2023 – Cast the First Stone / A Chip on my Shoulder
  • September 22nd, 2023 – Spinning My Wheels / Pop the Question
  • September 21st, 2023 – Across The Pond / Throw a Wet Blanket on It
  • September 20th, 2023 – Take a Deep Dive / Jump on the Bandwagon
  • September 19th, 2023 – Draw the Line / Loose Cannon
  • September 18th, 2023 – Son of a Gun / Under Your Spell
  • September 17th, 2023 – Nailing Jelly To A Wall / Come to Terms With
  • September 16th, 2023 – Alive and Kicking / Armed to the Teeth
  • September 15th, 2023 – Slippery Slope / All Eyes On Me
  • September 14th, 2023 – To the Letter / Hands Down
  • September 13th, 2023 – Raise the Bar / Make Hay While the Sun Shines
  • September 12th, 2023 – It is in the Bag / To Bear Fruit
  • September 11th, 2023 – Hit It Out of the Park / Slower than Molasses
  • September 10th, 2023 – The Cat That Got The Cream / Victory Lap
  • September 9th, 2023 – Go Nuclear / A Hot Mess
  • September 8th, 2023 – Just What the Doctor Ordered / Eat Crow
  • September 7th, 2023 – Black Eye / Hit the Spot
  • September 6th, 2023 – Bean Counters / Acquired Taste
  • September 5th, 2023 – All Bark And No Bite / No Love Lost
  • September 4th, 2023 – Miss the Boat / In My Wheelhouse
  • September 3rd, 2023 – A Pet Peeve / Take Your Time
  • September 2nd, 2023 – Keep it at Bay / Every Man for Himself
  • September 1st, 2023 – When In Doubt Leave It Out / In One Fell Swoop
  • August 31st, 2023 – Tread Water / Worn to a Frazzle
  • August 30th, 2023 – At the End of My Rope / Make Ends Meet
  • August 29th, 2023 – One Too Many / Back the Wrong Horse
  • August 28th, 2023 – A Witch Hunt / A Dog in The Manger
  • August 27th, 2023 – Go Belly Up / A Barrel of Laughs
  • August 26th, 2023 – Just Around the Corner / Drop the Ball
  • August 25th, 2023 – A Stitch in Time Saves Nine / Throw The Book At
  • August 24th, 2023 – Pick Up the Slack / Live Large
  • August 23rd, 2023 – Spoiling for a Fight / Puddle Jumper
  • August 22nd, 2023 – Soak Up the Sun / Behind the Times
  • August 21st, 2023 – Cash In My Chips / A Leg Up
  • August 20th, 2023 – Turn on a Dime / Quick as a Flash
  • August 19th, 2023 – Behind the Scenes / Blow Off Steam
  • August 18th, 2023 – Drink the Kool Aid / Running Out of Steam
  • August 17th, 2023 – Drive a Hard Bargain / Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt
  • August 16th, 2023 – Wet Behind the Ears / Puppy Dog Eyes
  • August 15th, 2023 – Running on Fumes / Throw the Game
  • August 14th, 2023 – Lick My Wounds / Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go
  • August 13th, 2023 – Cherry Pick / On Top of The World
  • August 12th, 2023 – Light a Fire / Take It on The Chin
  • August 11th, 2023 – Put the Brakes On / On The Back Burner
  • August 10th, 2023 – Cut the Mustard / In the Toilet
  • August 9th, 2023 – Weekend Warrior / Lend an Ear
  • August 8th, 2023 – Hightail It Out / Take the High Road
  • August 7th, 2023 – You Clean Up Nicely / Step Up Your Game
  • August 6th, 2023 – Dance with the Devil / Powder Keg
  • August 5th, 2023 – Baby Boomer / Rake Over the Coals
  • August 4th, 2023 – A Tough Row to Hoe / Look the Other Way
  • August 3rd, 2023 – Rub It In / Passing Fancy
  • August 2nd, 2023 – Follow Your Heart / A Penny for Your Thoughts
  • August 1st, 2023 – Go Out on a Limb / Drain the Swamp
  • July 31st, 2023 – In a Pickle / the Genie Is Out of the Bottle
  • July 30th, 2023 – Rotten to the Core / A Cut Above
  • July 29th, 2023 – From Pillar to Post / An Axe To Grind
  • July 28th, 2023 – An Eye for an Eye / Asleep at the Wheel
  • July 27th, 2023 – Dog Eat Dog / A Head Start
  • July 26th, 2023 – Have a Nose for it / It Takes Two to Tango
  • July 25th, 2023 – Fall on My Sword / Water Under the Bridge
  • July 24th, 2023 – In the Hot Seat / Get the Runaround
  • July 23rd, 2023 – Amateur Hour / Come to Grips With
  • July 22nd, 2023 – Best Thing Since Sliced Bread / Bring Home the Bacon
  • July 21st, 2023 – A Bone to Pick / Lame Duck
  • July 20th, 2023 – Basket Case / Love at First Sight
  • July 19th, 2023 – Home Away from Home / Give My Two Cents
  • July 18th, 2023 – In Broad Daylight / A Lone Wolf
  • July 17th, 2023 – Agree To Disagree / Two a Penny
  • July 16th, 2023 – Bigger Fish to Fry / Eat Humble Pie
  • July 15th, 2023 – Call the Shots / See the Forest for the Trees
  • July 14th, 2023 – A Short Fuse / Sharp as A Tack
  • July 13th, 2023 – Bucket List / Clear the Air
  • July 12th, 2023 – Home Truths / Tough Sledding
  • July 11th, 2023 – All The Marbles / An Early Bird
  • July 10th, 2023 – Shot Across the Bow / Foot and Mouth Disease
  • July 9th, 2023 – Swim with Sharks / Head and Shoulders Above
  • July 8th, 2023 – Set in Stone / Drive Me Up the Wall
  • July 7th, 2023 – Set the World on Fire / The Fourth Estate
  • July 6th, 2023 – Shell Game / Stiff Necked
  • July 5th, 2023 – All That Jazz / A Perfect Storm
  • July 4th, 2023 – Have a Lead Foot / Mend Fences
  • July 3rd, 2023 – No Skin off My Back / Go Viral
  • July 2nd, 2023 – Nickel and Dime / Hit the Sack
  • July 1st, 2023 – Loaded for Bear / Bottom of the Barrel
  • June 30th, 2023 – A Little Bird Told Me / Back Forty
  • June 29th, 2023 – All In Good Time / Dodge a Bullet
  • June 28th, 2023 – Lose the Thread / Chew the Fat
  • June 27th, 2023 – Lose my Touch / Bad Blood
  • June 26th, 2023 – Bells And Whistles / Shoot from the Hip
  • June 25th, 2023 – Move Heaven and Earth / Flesh and Blood
  • June 24th, 2023 – Bitter Pill to Swallow / Spin A Yarn
  • June 23rd, 2023 – A Page Turner / Not Playing with A Full Deck
  • June 22nd, 2023 – Bar Fly / Take a Flyer
  • June 21st, 2023 – In a Rut / Fox in the Henhouse
  • June 20th, 2023 – Get In on the Ground Floor / Pull Yourself Together
  • June 19th, 2023 – Come Out Swinging / Go Cold Turkey
  • June 18th, 2023 – Get A Word In Edgewise / Another Nail In the Coffin
  • June 17th, 2023 – Trash Talk / Sweeten the Pot
  • June 16th, 2023 – Grease the Wheels / Under the Radar
  • June 15th, 2023 – Teach an Old Dog New Tricks / Bite the Hand That Feeds You
  • June 14th, 2023 – Bad Taste In My Mouth / Monday Morning Quarterback
  • June 13th, 2023 – Take the Fifth / Tear My Hair out
  • June 12th, 2023 – Green as Grass / A Plum Job
  • June 11th, 2023 – Drop a Line / Red Herring
  • June 10th, 2023 – Sit Tight / Your Number Is Up
  • June 9th, 2023 – Pecking Order / The Real McCoy
  • June 8th, 2023 – Make Nice / Step Up to the Plate
  • June 7th, 2023 – My Hands are Tied / In Full Swing
  • June 6th, 2023 – Bed of Roses / The last laugh
  • June 5th, 2023 – A Nail Biter / Start with a Clean Slate
  • June 4th, 2023 – Go Bananas / Dead Eye
  • June 3rd, 2023 – All Hell Breaks Loose / Cat on a hot tin roof
  • June 2nd, 2023 – Play Ball / Fly High
  • June 1st, 2023 – A Sitting Duck / Hatchet Job
  • May 31st, 2023 – Ugly Duckling / Pain in the Neck
  • May 30th, 2023 – A Day Late And A Dollar Short / The Point of No Return
  • May 29th, 2023 – Pick a Fight / Get My Ducks in a Row
  • May 28th, 2023 – Go the Extra Mile / You Can Take It to the Bank
  • May 27th, 2023 – Throw Me Under the Bus / Cut Corners
  • May 26th, 2023 – Go Under the Knife / A Kid in a Candy Store
  • May 25th, 2023 – Hanging on by a Thread / Act Of Congress
  • May 24th, 2023 – Twist the Knife / A Stick in the Mud
  • May 23rd, 2023 – Quick and Dirty / Touch Base
  • May 22nd, 2023 – A Cat Nap / Read the Tea Leaves
  • May 21st, 2023 – Dead ringer / A Busy Bee
  • May 20th, 2023 – Bone Dry / Keep Your Powder Dry
  • May 19th, 2023 – Take a Gander / Playing Hardball
  • May 18th, 2023 – A Greasy Spoon / Test the Waters
  • May 17th, 2023 – Kiss and Make Up / Think Big
  • May 16th, 2023 – Knock their Socks Off / It Fell off a Truck
  • May 15th, 2023 – Any Tom Dick or Harry / Walking on Eggshells
  • May 14th, 2023 – Mother Nature / Dead Shot
  • May 13th, 2023 – Chop Shop / Fall Prey to
  • May 12th, 2023 – Feel Like a Million Bucks / Your Mileage May Vary
  • May 11th, 2023 – Break The Ice / Helicopter Parenting
  • May 10th, 2023 – Set the Bar Too High / Go Ape
  • May 9th, 2023 – Eagle Eyed / Fifth Wheel
  • May 8th, 2023 – Go to the Mattresses / No Holds Barred
  • May 7th, 2023 – Blinded by Love / A Sight for Sore Eyes
  • May 6th, 2023 – Upset the Apple Cart / A Tall Order
  • May 5th, 2023 – Couch Potato / Buying Time
  • May 4th, 2023 – Shaking in My Boots / The Deck Is Stacked Against Me
  • May 3rd, 2023 – A Good Deal / The Dead of Winter
  • May 2nd, 2023 – Turn a Blind Eye / Jump Through Hoops
  • May 1st, 2023 – A Whale of A Time / Keep an Eye Peeled
  • April 30th, 2023 – Turn the Tables / Hit a Wall
  • April 29th, 2023 – Drawing a Blank / Cry Your Eyes Out
  • April 28th, 2023 – Playing With Fire / Sick as a Dog
  • April 27th, 2023 – Work My Fingers to the Bone / Above And Beyond
  • April 26th, 2023 – Sitting Pretty / Meeting of the Minds
  • April 25th, 2023 – Make My Mark / Take Ten
  • April 24th, 2023 – Heavy Hitter / In the Cross hairs
  • April 23rd, 2023 – Accident Waiting To Happen / Never in A Million Years
  • April 22nd, 2023 – Small Fry / Hang Tough
  • April 21st, 2023 – Right as Rain / Make a Break for It
  • April 20th, 2023 – Lose Touch / Take The Wind Out of My Sails
  • April 19th, 2023 – The Walls Have Ears / Sweep Under the Rug
  • April 18th, 2023 – Of Two Minds / Waiting in the Wings
  • April 17th, 2023 – Tone Deaf / Stick It to the Man
  • April 16th, 2023 – A Rare Bird / Long Shot
  • April 15th, 2023 – Zero In On / Stiff Upper Lip
  • April 14th, 2023 – Foul Play / Sword of Damocles
  • April 13th, 2023 – The Time is Ripe / A Slam Dunk
  • April 12th, 2023 – Use Your Head / A Rookie Mistake
  • April 11th, 2023 – Neck of the Woods / You Can Say That Again
  • April 10th, 2023 – Playing Cat And Mouse / Take the Shine Off
  • April 9th, 2023 – Larger Than Life / Cry Over Spilled Milk
  • April 8th, 2023 – Blow My Stack / Riding High
  • April 7th, 2023 – A Screw Loose / All in One Piece
  • April 6th, 2023 – Pencil It In / Dyed In The Wool
  • April 5th, 2023 – Buy a Pig in a Poke / Fifteen Minutes of Fame
  • April 4th, 2023 – The Only Game in Town / Throw Me for a Loop
  • April 3rd, 2023 – Follow In My Footsteps / Tough Cookie
  • April 2nd, 2023 – Twenty Four Seven / A Vicious Circle
  • April 1st, 2023 – Cross to Bear / Go Bonkers
  • March 31st, 2023 – Saving Grace / Cool Your Jets
  • March 30th, 2023 – Ballpark Figure / The Time of Your Life
  • March 29th, 2023 – Throw in the Towel / Steal My Thunder
  • March 28th, 2023 – Run a Tight Ship / When Pigs Fly
  • March 27th, 2023 – Fly by the Seat of My Pants / Rob Peter to Pay Paul
  • March 26th, 2023 – Pot Calling the Kettle Black / Sink or Swim
  • March 25th, 2023 – Show Your Cards / A Change of Heart
  • March 24th, 2023 – Backseat Driver / Through Thick and Thin
  • March 23rd, 2023 – Turn Turtle / Young at Heart
  • March 22nd, 2023 – Dead as the Dodo / Stand Your Ground
  • March 21st, 2023 – Neck and Neck / Sacred Cow
  • March 20th, 2023 – Play Your Cards Right / Take the Gloves Off
  • March 19th, 2023 – Give Them The Old Heave Ho / Keep Your Nose Clean
  • March 18th, 2023 – Living on Borrowed Time / Pep Talk
  • March 17th, 2023 – Time is Money / Push the Envelope
  • March 16th, 2023 – Clip My Wings / Nine Times Out of Ten
  • March 15th, 2023 – Window Shopping / Rear Its Ugly Head
  • March 14th, 2023 – Mad as A Hatter / Give it a Whirl
  • March 13th, 2023 – Put Your Foot Down / Bang for Your Buck
  • March 12th, 2023 – Happy Go Lucky / Butterflies In My Stomach
  • March 11th, 2023 – Above Board / Heart and Soul
  • March 10th, 2023 – Get Off Scot Free / In a New York Minute
  • March 9th, 2023 – Hive Mind / Scorched Earth Policy
  • March 8th, 2023 – Put Out Some Feelers / Let Bygones Be Bygones
  • March 7th, 2023 – Big Apple / A Hard Nut to Crack
  • March 6th, 2023 – Train Wreck / As American as Apple Pie
  • March 5th, 2023 – King of the Hill / Apples and Oranges
  • March 4th, 2023 – Selling Like Hotcakes / An Ace Up My Sleeve
  • March 3rd, 2023 – Cool as A Cucumber / Circle the Wagons
  • March 2nd, 2023 – Bet My Bottom Dollar / Reinvent the Wheel
  • March 1st, 2023 – Pass With Flying Colors / Give the Green Light
  • February 28th, 2023 – Shape Up or Ship Out / Take it with a grain of Salt
  • February 27th, 2023 – Go Down in Flames / Six Ways to Sunday
  • February 26th, 2023 – In the Cards / Pushing Up Daisies
  • February 25th, 2023 – Under Wraps / Get the Picture
  • February 24th, 2023 – Hang It Up / Take a Rain Check
  • February 23rd, 2023 – Run the Table / Stem the Tide
  • February 22nd, 2023 – Let My Hair Down / Be A Peach
  • February 21st, 2023 – Up in Arms / Beat Me to the Punch
  • February 20th, 2023 – Pay an Arm and a Leg / All The Same
  • February 19th, 2023 – A Life Of Its Own / Lipstick on a Pig
  • February 18th, 2023 – Get the Ball Rolling / Sleep with the Fishes
  • February 17th, 2023 – Blue Blood / Back on My Feet
  • February 16th, 2023 – A Million and One / Pull Some Strings
  • February 15th, 2023 – Come Hell or High Water / A Sitting Duck
  • February 14th, 2023 – Swing for the Fences / Sleeping Like a Baby
  • February 13th, 2023 – Point the Finger / About Time
  • February 12th, 2023 – Throw the Fight / Heard it Through the Grapevine
  • February 11th, 2023 – A Sight for Sore Eyes / Dog Days of the Summer
  • February 10th, 2023 – Go Off the Deep End / Dry Run
  • February 9th, 2023 – The Story Has Legs / Take the Edge Off
  • February 8th, 2023 – Throw Caution to the Wind / A Match Made in Heaven
  • February 7th, 2023 – Fishing for Compliments / Freudian Slip
  • February 6th, 2023 – A Piece of Cake / A Chip off the Old Block
  • February 5th, 2023 – All Roads Lead to Rome / Nothing to Write Home About
  • February 4th, 2023 – Birds of a Feather / Chasing Rainbows
  • February 3rd, 2023 – Does That Ring a Bell / On the Mend
  • February 2nd, 2023 – Burn the Midnight Oil / The Whole Enchilada
  • February 1st, 2023 – One Foot in The Grave / Get My Hands Dirty
  • January 31st, 2023 – You Know the Drill / Blow the Whistle
  • January 30th, 2023 – Window Dressing / Take a Hike
  • January 29th, 2023 – Speak of the Devil / Low Hanging Fruit
  • January 28th, 2023 – Just for the Record / Albatross Around My Neck
  • January 27th, 2023 – Move Up in the World / All Fur Coat And No Knickers
  • January 26th, 2023 – Act Your Age / Get With the Program
  • January 25th, 2023 – All Set / Snake Oil Salesman
  • January 24th, 2023 – Run into a Buzz Saw / Five Finger Discount
  • January 23rd, 2023 – Acid Test / To Iron Out
  • January 22nd, 2023 – All Over But The Shouting / Bet the Farm
  • January 21st, 2023 – Go Off The Rails / To Each His Own
  • January 20th, 2023 – the tip of the iceberg / Penny Pinching
  • January 19th, 2023 – under the weather / go with the flow
  • January 18th, 2023 – dirt cheap / Up for Grabs
  • January 17th, 2023 – Ahead Of their Time / Vim And Vigor
  • January 16th, 2023 – a run for my money / the Eleventh Hour
  • January 15th, 2023 – Cross Your Ts And Dot Your Is / Call It a Day
  • January 14th, 2023 – Lock Stock and Barrel / By and Large
  • January 13th, 2023 – Changing of the Guard / Way to Go
  • January 12th, 2023 – You Snooze You Lose / Let There Be Light
  • January 11th, 2023 – Crunch Time / Toe The Line
  • January 10th, 2023 – Keep on Trucking / Elevator Pitch
  • January 9th, 2023 – holy cow / the front runner
  • January 8th, 2023 – All Over The Map / Bats in the Belfry
  • January 7th, 2023 – I have Bigger Fish To Fry / The Buck Stops Here
  • January 6th, 2023 – Beyond The Pale / Bare Necessities
  • January 5th, 2023 – Take for Granted / A Bridge Too Far
  • January 4th, 2023 – hit a snag / win by a landslide
  • January 3rd, 2023 – a stick in the mud / down to the wire
  • January 2nd, 2023 – Back to Square One / All in All
  • January 1st, 2023 – Preaching to the Choir / A Kangaroo Court
  • December 31st, 2022 – Vice Versa / Time Flies
  • December 30th, 2022 – fits like a glove / a fair shake
  • December 29th, 2022 – Sweet Nothings / Back In The Saddle
  • December 28th, 2022 – burning a hole in my pocket / bursting at the seams
  • December 27th, 2022 – Second To None / One Fell Swoop
  • December 26th, 2022 – Back to the Salt Mines / Kick the Can Down the Road
  • December 25th, 2022 – it smells fishy / Cheaper by the Dozen
  • December 24th, 2022 – Nip It In the Bud / First and Foremost
  • December 23rd, 2022 – Above Water / Rank and File
  • December 22nd, 2022 – Bar None / have the upper hand
  • December 21st, 2022 – Reach For The Stars / Taking the Edge Off
  • December 20th, 2022 – earning Brownie Points / a hard nut to crack
  • December 19th, 2022 – Double Or Nothing / Tee Off
  • December 18th, 2022 – Get Down to Business / Chalk It Up to
  • December 17th, 2022 – On the Lam / a little bird told me
  • December 16th, 2022 – Writ Large / the Bane Of My Existence
  • December 15th, 2022 – blind sided / as quick as lightning
  • December 14th, 2022 – Jump the Shark / Youth Is Wasted on the Young
  • December 13th, 2022 – seeing eye to eye / Blood Is Thicker Than Water
  • December 12th, 2022 – take a rain check / Death and Taxes
  • December 11th, 2022 – The Benefit of the Doubt / the Spur of the Moment
  • December 10th, 2022 – not my cup of tea / it makes my blood boil
  • December 9th, 2022 – a pat on the back / buttering me up
  • December 8th, 2022 – by the skin of my teeth / With Bated Breath
  • December 7th, 2022 – Out of the Loop / No Man Is An Island
  • December 6th, 2022 – In the Fullness of Time / In the Pipeline
  • December 5th, 2022 – cool as a cucumber / Shed Some Light
  • December 4th, 2022 – A Dime a Dozen / Bite The Bullet
  • December 3rd, 2022 – Standing my Ground / dog days
  • December 2nd, 2022 – Wreak Havoc / Pink Slip
  • December 1st, 2022 – Lickety Split / down to earth
  • November 30th, 2022 – Back to the Drawing Board / My Cup Runneth Over
  • November 29th, 2022 – In the Red / Fish or Cut Bait
  • November 28th, 2022 – keep your chin up / Wrapped Around Your Finger
  • November 27th, 2022 – A Good Bang for Your Buck / Stumbling Block
  • November 26th, 2022 – keep an eye on it / Get To Grips With
  • November 25th, 2022 – Pencil me In / An eager beaver
  • November 24th, 2022 – Long in the Tooth / On A Roll
  • November 23rd, 2022 – Burn the Candle at Both Ends / Stupid Is As Stupid Does
  • November 22nd, 2022 – for Whom the Bell Tolls / Pound Sand
  • November 21st, 2022 – Big Picture / Take It or Leave It
  • November 20th, 2022 – Hasta La Vista Baby / getting cold feet
  • November 19th, 2022 – on a silver platter / A Chunk of Change
  • November 18th, 2022 – Flotsam and Jetsam / pig out
  • November 17th, 2022 – Turning on a Dime / taking the red eye
  • November 16th, 2022 – Ignorance Is Bliss / the big cheese
  • November 15th, 2022 – Open Sesame / selling like hot cakes
  • November 14th, 2022 – Start with a Clean Slate / Beck And Call
  • November 13th, 2022 – Cash and Carry / Hang In There
  • November 12th, 2022 – My Achilles Heel / Seize The Day
  • November 11th, 2022 – Money Talks / Sea Change
  • November 10th, 2022 – Par For The Course / Red Tape
  • November 9th, 2022 – Up in the Air / Shot In The Dark
  • November 8th, 2022 – Coming to Terms With / You Are What You Eat
  • November 7th, 2022 – a second wind / Cut the Gordian Knot
  • November 6th, 2022 – There is The Rub / hit the hay
  • November 5th, 2022 – Out of Work / raining cats and dogs
  • November 4th, 2022 – To Each Their Own / the apple of my eye
  • November 3rd, 2022 – Walk The Plank / Rain Check
  • November 2nd, 2022 – Skin in the Game / in the dark
  • November 1st, 2022 – cry your heart out / Two Peas In A Pod
  • October 31st, 2022 – Ebb And Flow / Crash and Burn
  • October 30th, 2022 – Cat Burglar / Get Down to Brass Tacks
  • October 29th, 2022 – playing hot potato / dig deep
  • October 28th, 2022 – A Chip On Your Shoulder / let the cat out of the bag
  • October 27th, 2022 – one smart cookie / Up To Par
  • October 26th, 2022 – up the creek / beet red
  • October 25th, 2022 – Hanging on by a Thread / Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
  • October 24th, 2022 – Think Outside the Box / blow the competition away
  • October 23rd, 2022 – All Is Fair In Love And War / Big Deal
  • October 22nd, 2022 – Pomp and Circumstance / Do As I Say Not As I Do
  • October 21st, 2022 – a sweet tooth / In the Works
  • October 20th, 2022 – Flying by the Seat of My Pants / Living the Dream
  • October 19th, 2022 – i am tickled pink / Chicken out
  • October 18th, 2022 – The Whole Shebang / cost an arm and a leg
  • October 17th, 2022 – Cutting Corners / below the belt
  • October 16th, 2022 – Tooth and Nail / Diamond In the Rough
  • October 15th, 2022 – A Bad Apple / going downhill
  • October 14th, 2022 – a Line in the Sand / Heads Will Roll
  • October 13th, 2022 – buy it for a Song / ants in your pants
  • October 12th, 2022 – on cloud nine / Deep Pockets
  • October 11th, 2022 – A Silver Bullet / A Blank Check
  • October 10th, 2022 – passing with flying colors / Sweeten the Deal
  • October 9th, 2022 – Two a Penny / Tools Of The Trade
  • October 8th, 2022 – the cream of the crop / The Elephant in the Room
  • October 7th, 2022 – Hustle And Bustle / Sticker Shock
  • October 6th, 2022 – Grasping At Straws / over the hill
  • October 5th, 2022 – All Things Considered / at the drop of a hat
  • October 4th, 2022 – buckle down / The Whole Nine Yards
  • October 3rd, 2022 – On the Shoulders of Giants / Misery Loves Company
  • October 2nd, 2022 – Driving a Hard Bargain / Off the Hook
  • October 1st, 2022 – Close But No Cigar / Halcyon Days
  • September 30th, 2022 – getting the green light / Trials And Tribulations
  • September 29th, 2022 – Give and Take / Be There or Be Square
  • September 28th, 2022 – Measure Up / caught red handed
  • September 27th, 2022 – Light a Fire Under him / Knight in Shining Armor
  • September 26th, 2022 – Taken Aback / Stay Tuned
  • September 25th, 2022 – Knock on Wood / All That Glitters Is Not Gold
  • September 24th, 2022 – Read Between the Lines / my lips are sealed
  • September 23rd, 2022 – Tilting At Windmills / copy cat
  • September 22nd, 2022 – Put me on the Spot / crying over spilled milk
  • September 21st, 2022 – Burning the Midnight Oil / Business as Usual
  • September 20th, 2022 – Curiosity Killed the Cat / cat got your tongue
  • September 19th, 2022 – Raising Red Flags / It Was A Dark and Stormy Night
  • September 18th, 2022 – The Last Straw / Light At The End Of The Tunnel
  • September 17th, 2022 – lend me a hand / get it off your chest
  • September 16th, 2022 – At my Beck And Call / Rubber Stamp
  • September 15th, 2022 – tip my hat / Double Edged Sword
  • September 14th, 2022 – Home Is Where The Heart Is / Slings And Arrows
  • September 13th, 2022 – Pipe Dream / my Back is Against the Wall
  • September 12th, 2022 – handle with kid gloves / i am all ears
  • September 11th, 2022 – Drive a Wedge Between / Bet your Bottom Dollar
  • September 10th, 2022 – pulling my leg / Thank God It is Friday
  • September 9th, 2022 – By Hook or By Crook / make a beeline
  • September 8th, 2022 – For Better or For Worse / play it by ear
  • September 7th, 2022 – black and white / No Rest for The Wicked
  • September 6th, 2022 – That is All Folks / rat race
  • September 5th, 2022 – my flesh and blood / a golden opportunity
  • September 4th, 2022 – Tongue in Cheek / Skinny Dipping
  • September 3rd, 2022 – Wax Poetic / Back And Forth
  • September 2nd, 2022 – Eat Your Heart Out / Sold On Something
  • September 1st, 2022 – a piece of cake / have my cake and eat it too
  • August 31st, 2022 – When It Rains It Pours / White Elephant

How-to Play Phrazle

You have six attempts to guess the phrase.

Each guess must use valid words and use all spaces.

After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to show how close you are to the actual phrase.

That’s everything you need to know about the answer for Phrazle. We cover a variety of other games of this nature, you can find help for those in the Games section of our website!

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