9 dpo positive pregnancy test reddit

9 dpo positive pregnancy test reddit. **THAT SAID …. I tested with FRER on 9 DPO, and while faint, they were clearly positive. Super faint around 8/9 DPO! Got steadily darker! Currently 13 weeks! Edit: I realized you specifically asked about ectopic pregnancies, and I’ve had one of those. I was scared to death because I didn’t have a dye stealer at 11 dpo like everyone else on this page. Conception can be a struggle and will be difficult for some. Implantation won’t happen until at least 6 dpo but more likely around 9 dpo. As for the faintness of the line, just some reassurance for you: my test looked similar to this at around 14 dpo. They're only positive if the test line is as dark as or darker than the control line, this goes for confirming an hpt result for pregnancy as well, the opk still has to be darker than the control to confirm pregnancy. When I came out of the lab, doc called me to let me know that the pee test turned positive after I left. but yeah it all depends on the implantation day 11 dpo. In 99% of cases at 10 DPO you're just wasting a test. I was up all night staring at it, trying to figure out if it was a real line, an evap line or a shadow. I checked about nine times just to be sure hahaha. It also depends on the sensitivity of the test- that site is based on a sensitive HPT, when most cheapies are 3-5 times less sensitive than those, so it would take an extra couple of days to get a line (assuming HCG levels approximately double each day). Aug 29, 2024 路 It is possible to get a positive pregnancy test 9 days after ovulation. Fun fact: now Everytime I eat I get annoying, yet mild, indigestion (DPO 9 today). Should we be optimistic about a positive pregnancy test in the next few days? Thank you in advance And please don’t comment telling me to test every other day :) This is my 5th pregnancy with 1 living child. your better of testing once at 14 DPO and seeing that BFN and moving onI hated the roller coaster emotions. At 7DPO you only have about a 7% chance of a positive it seems. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. My RE said he likes to see at least 36 hours for those first few days after implantation. I wasn't tracking my ovulation this time, but I had typical ovulation symptoms and I got the (very faint) positive test 10 days later, which is day 23 of my 28/29 day cycle. Reading a bit about the timeline on conception/implantation and apparently the most common day for implantation to occur is day 9, and it takes about 2 days for enough hcg to be produced to show up on a HPT. I bought Clinical Guard Pregnancy Test Strips from Amazon, they are about $8 bucks for 20 strips so you can check every day! Highly-rated too. LMDmama2021. Are these positive? All pictures were taken within the reading results time frame. Test Awww congratulations! You may have had implantation bleeding. 10 DPO is very very early. At 13 DPO my pregnancy cycle was obviously different, but I got my first positive test 3 days prior at 10 DPO so it was not a surprise. Pregnant users must avoid mentioning their current (ongoing) pregnancy or discussing a positive test result (even faint lines). Took tests on 8 and 9 dpo that were negative. I got my positive at 9dpo both times. These were my symptoms by dpo which I kept in a note on my phone so I could look back on them: 5 dpo - very light cramps, sore nipples 6 dpo - very light cramps, sore nipples, maybe some lower back pain Confirmed ovulation cycle day 10 . Jun 3, 2024 路 A pregnancy test at 9 DPO could very well test negative before getting a positive test a few days later. I’m now 8 weeks pregnant with fraternal twins! Green: 2 cycles before pregnancy Orange: partially charted cycle, first hopeful cycle postpartum Up through 11 DPO they were all in the same ballpark. We are currently TTC so I have been tracking my cycles. It's absolutely expected for lines (and HCG via blood test) to be very faint and very low at this point. If you ovulated the 17th or 18th you'd be 9-10 DPO, although not super common, it is definitely enough time to get a positive. I only took a test this early because I was feeling weird and having weird twinges/cramps. php. I wouldn't worry yet. moody, weepy and angry; 9 dpo - tender breasts, nauseous and queasy, tired, 10 dpo - tired, cold symptoms, nauseous and queasy; 11 dpo - tired, tender breasts, nauseous and queasy, clear blue p. Thanks again loves! 17 votes, 12 comments. 8K subscribers in the tryingtoconceive community. 11. One analysis even found that fewer than 10% of pregnancy charts analyzed showed a positive test at 9 DPO. I got an extremely faint positive at 11dpo with this pregnancy, currently 29 weeks. 25 mIU/mL sensitivity (like a FRER), about 90% of pregnancies would have hCG levels in urine high enough to be detectable by 11dpo, and the median pregnancy would be detectable by 10dpo (table 2 here). Positive pregnancy test for past few days and just noticed some light bleeding/spotting today. Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! Please read all rules for the subreddit before participating or posting. I did a test in the morning just before that and it was positive, is this a worry ? 馃槶馃槶 it’s one day after my missed period. Especially for the later DPOs (13-18) where people are still testing negative or the super early DPOs (6-8) where they are testing positive, a high proportion are probably completely wrong about what DPO they actually are. v. Home Pregnancy Test This is my first positive since our miscarriage in August of last year. Aug 6, 2024 路 To avoid the risk of a false positive with fertility treatments, it's recommended to wait at least 10 days after the injection to test. I was getting faint positives since DPO 11 My first pregnancy I had a negative test on day 27 of my cycle, and positive day 29. Hold onto hope for just a few more days and you should have a definite answer! Wishing you the best of luck :) Jun 2, 2020 路 I tested a day earlier that I should have (7 days before missed period) because I couldn’t help myself and next minute I got a very strong positive. She had milky coloured mucus after ovulation. No symptoms at 9 days post ovulation doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t pregnant, you simply need to wait longer before testing. With my daughter I had an obvious positive at 9 dpo. Probably a luteal phase dip - we don’t know for sure why they happen but they’re more common in pregnancy charts. I’ll be sure to update after my TWW. Implantation after 10 DPO also has a high rate of MC. Oh there’s definitely a chance, it’s not that it never happens! It’s just not realistic to expect it. On 11 dpo I got a positive pregnancy test with a light but clearly visible line, and that same day I spotted a small amount of pale, rusty coloured blood which stopped almost immediately. This… Discussion of current pregnancy is not allowed in the main threads of the sub. I was testing ovulation so I know my dates are correct - has anyone else had this? This is my first so I have no benchmark for previous pregnancies to compare I tested positive 1-2 weeks pregnant at 5am, again on the 2nd test at 8am. Went to the doctor and peed in a cup at 1:30pm and it was negative. This is not my first rodeo. Progesterone is a troll- it gives you basically all the very early pregnancy symptoms, and progesterone is elevated in our luteal phase following ovulation, regardless of conception status. Then this morning (12 DPO) I took another first response test to watch for line progression and it was definitely darker than yesterday's test. I was just wondering what everyone’s experience with this was. Insane levels of thirst started at 7/8 days post ovulation, I got my first positive test at 9 days post ovulation, and that continued for a few weeks! After this pregnancy, if I ever start randomly drinking a gallon+ of water and still can’t get enough, the first thing I’ll do is take a pregnancy test lol I track my cycles using a bbt thermometer so I know when I ovulate, I had an incredibly squinty line at 6 dpo, with a definite line at 7 dpo when I was pregnant with twins. Jun 11, 2023 路 Days 12-14 past ovulation (12-14 DPO) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is the hormone that pregnancy tests use to detect pregnancy. The nurse i spoke with hadn’t heard of a home PDG test before, so I explained it and they added a progesterone test to my blood work, came back at 14 so not terrible for just EDIT: Thank you so much everyone for sharing your experiences! Absolutely helpful and encouraging! I started feeling the soreness around DPO 3 and it’s just becoming more intense. I will say that if you’re early in your TTC journey, though, that this can take awhile, and going through this kind of emotion every month can get very, very hard. This is my first time ever ovulating (5mg Letrozole). I am not lucky enough to be that 10% of pregnant people to test at day DPO10 and get a positive. Jun 3, 2024 路 Can you test for pregnancy at 10 DPO? While you can test for pregnancy at any time, 10 DPO is very early on the pregnancy timeline. The cramping, which felt more like twinges and pulls than period cramps, lasted about three days on and off from 8-10 dpo. it all depends on when your implantation is cause your body doesn’t make the hcg until the embryo is implanted. I didn't temp 12 DPO of my positive cycle. I probably could have tested positive at 16/17 DPO had I been expecting it, but I certainly was not + at 14. i just a faint positive on 9 dpo of my last pregnancy which ended in a miscarriage unfortunately. Looks close though. My temp dropped dramatically 9 DPO too and then shot back up this morning (10 DPO) and I tested positive today. I see all these people getting positives at 7-9 DPO I need to know if anyone has ever gotten a positive after 11DPO or if I should stop testng because I'll get my cycle. I was super bummed, but I figured it was another chemical pregnancy. My lines are getting dark on the test I take - which is great and I’m 3 weeks 4 days now. Just so you know, What to Expect may make commissions on shopping links on this page. Here is a breakdown of the average percentage of positive tests by DPO: 8 DPO: 10% chance of a positive pregnancy test 9 DPO: 15% chance of a positive pregnancy test 10 DPO: 25% chance of a positive pregnancy test 11 DPO: 50% chance of a positive pregnancy test At 9 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. That was on CD27 and my typical cycles run between 25-29 days. Apr 7, 2016 路 With my last pregnancy (ended in MC) I got a VERY VERY FAINT POSITIVE on the Fairhaven HCG STrips before it even showed on FRER (link below) on the night of 8DPO and it got darker on the morning of 9DPO with confirming on a digital at 10DPO. Research shows that the majority of women experience implantation between 8 – 10 DPO, meaning it’s not unrealistic to take a 10 DPO pregnancy test and get a positive result, but a 10 DPO BFN (big fat negative I used to test from 9 DPo to 14 DPO, getting my hopes up everyday and getting it crashed the next. 7. 馃か Using a test with 6. In-app features include a smart personalized chatbot, an extensive content base covering all the hot topics, and a thoughtful pregnancy planner. I had a MMC at 8 weeks in august and TTC this past cycle. Both of my pregnancies I tested positive at 10 DPO, but that was the first day I tested (CD 24 for the first and CD 23 for the second). Try and be patient and if you can’t, you can take a test. L. Before HCG of ~250, several studies can backup that HCG doubling averages closer to 30-36 hours. It was EXTREMELY faint though. . I was looking through FF and it said "Percentage of pregnancy charts with a positive test at 10 DPO = 10%" so I figure at day 8 and 9 it's going to be negative for sure. Thank u!! So it's a consumer-friendly way for them to say "If you implant on 8 DPO, our test will probably detect it that same day". I say just test every morning! I did! Depending on which ones you use, it could mean a difference of days for positive results. 4K Members. In my case, the test was positive around 9 DPO. Learn more about our guidelines. Previous pregnancies at 10 and 11 dpo (both ended in first trimester loss). 9dpo. Also, take the DPO on all squinters on tfablineporn with a huge grain of salt, many of those users are just going off of app predictions, and haven't actually confirmed ovulation with ultrasound, temps and/or OPKs. Im wondering how many DPO others got false negative pregnancy tests followed by a positive. It all depends on your natural level of hcg (pregnancy hormone all women have but is elevated during pregnancy), the sensitivity of your test, and the concentration of your urine (how hydrated you are). Aug 3, 2022 路 7 dpo - tired, lower back pain, cramp in leg, very moody and tearful; 8 dpo - bloated, v. CB Digital didn't turn positive until 10 DPO. 9DPO is still kind of early, but I tend to test anyway. Based on how strong my line was with my current pregnancy, I would likely have seen a line at 9 DPO. AF is supposed to come next Thursday, so today would be 6 days before, right? 1 day ago 路 Faint positive tests. 10 dpo, got positives on easy@home, regular first response, and first response digital. I immediately took a digital that was also positive and then a few hours later took another digital that was also positive. Having said that, it is possible that OP implated on 10 DPO and therefore wouldn't get a positive until 11 DPO, absolutely. I tested clearly negative on 10 DPO and then by 12 DPO had a positive (that it took me four repeated tests right after along with a test each of the next four days until I let myself believe it). Or, you can wait until your fertility health care provider Caveat to that site: it's completely user-submitted data and includes people just guessing at when ovulation was. In an analysis of over 93,000 menstrual cycles , the fertility tracking app Fertility Friend found that fewer than 10% of pregnancy charts showed a positive at 9 DPO. Hi guys, I am new to reddit but would love a second opinion. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our rules before continuing to post. Mar 11, 2020 路 It’s actually common to get a negative pregnancy test at 9 DPO and go on to get a positive test a few days later. I did it at 9 DPO and 12 DPO and there was a faint positive line. countdowntopregnancy. Soula AI — Mental Health and Educational Support from Pregnancy to Maternity and Beyond. Learn more about what to expect at 9 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. If you factor all these things together (imagine you ovulated later than you thought, implanted on the later side, and used a less sensitive test) it makes sense that they say to wait until 14+ dpo / or after missed period to test. Does anyone have stories of getting false negatives followed by a positive 13 DPO or more? Trying to keep some hope alive I may be pregnant. Apr 14, 2018 路 I am 9 DPO today, and used a First Response rest and I don’t see anything on it other than the control line, but this test said it could pick up a result 6 days before your missed period. com/pregnancy-test/results-by-day-past-ovulation. I had a peak LH on the 14th of this month (currently 11DPO) I have testing since 7 DPO and my tests are still negative. 10. She also had very light minimal pink blood in her underwear yesterday (8dpo) and cramps at 7/8 dpo but have went away now. I had a really obvious positive at 8dpo, but it turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. I look at this for stats on when it’s probably best to test: https://www. Soula works as a digital doula that assists a pregnant person with their questions. The first image was taken at 8dpo (I think) & the second at 9 dpo. I did the same thing when I started bleeding at 3 weeks, too soon for a HPT, but I got a positive blood test at 7 dpo (I was preparing to start another round of clomid). But you should know that in many cases, 9 DPO could be too early for a test to detect hCG. Hcg can be high in singleton pregnancies and be low in multiples, though! Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I'm confused. 4K Discussions. positive test 9 dpo I was so shocked to find out I was pregnant after ovulation on day 10. Violation of our rules may result in a The embryo might also implant as late as 12 DPO at which point there's no pregnancy test know to man that can detect HCG if you test before 14/15 DPO. By 11DPO you have about a 79% chance of a positive if you are indeed pregnant. I started testing at 7 dpo because I apparently graduated from clown school and swear i saw something at both 7 and 8, got an actual real positive at 9, and what I call a “men’s positive” at 13 because partners tend to not understand that a faint line is still a line I got a positive at 8 DPO with a wondfo. Mar 4, 2016 路 It still looks lighter than the control line, so it's not quite positive. My doctors said that with a singleton pregnancy it would be pretty uncommon to get a definitive positive before 10-12 dpo. She sent me straight to the lab for a blood test. tired, right leg cramp, cold symptoms, period pains. The hormone that is released once implantation happens is what causes the positive so you could test at 10 but 11 should have enough to give at least a faint positive. Your body begins producing hCG at the moment of implantation, but it takes 2-3 days for the hormone to build up to a certain detectable level. I had like two days of celebration, and then it was negative. The percentage of positive pregnancy tests varies depending on the DPO. I haven't heard of anyone else testing positive that late, but it goes to show anything is possible! 9DPO pregnancy symptoms but no positive test I’ve been experiencing light, almost “fluttery” cramping (if that makes sense lol), mild back pain, & nipples are a little sensitive. This site will tell you your chances of a positive test based on how many DPO you are. Take a look at the table below for a helpful 9 DPO pregnancy testing action plan. Shocked is an understatement, this is 3 days earlier than when I found out about my last pregnancy Welcome to a community dedicated to sharing and analyzing pictures of HPTs (home pregnancy tests)/OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)! You can ask for another set of eyes or simply celebrate here! While my last pregnancy did not last (you can look at my post history), I didn't test positive until 20 DPO. Implantation typically happens 8-10 DPO, very rarely any later than that. Any symptoms are just regular progesterone symptoms, which can vary greatly month to month, so some women may notice something unusual but it’s just as likely to be a period coming as a pregnancy. If you have enough hcg in your system to produce early pregnancy symptoms, then you have enough for a positive test. zvwcztwct pgqg hcwtkj qyejme fsxw qvbm bqwr spujfp gwhp fgqw